The Moon is considered to be a softer planet in Astrology and in our birth chart Moon signifies mind, emotions, satisfaction, passion, charm, feminine tendencies, etc..The Moon or Chandra has been derived from the Sanskrit Word ‘bright and shining’. Those who are having malefic effects of Moon in a horoscope and to pacify negative Moon in a horoscope they can do Chandra mantra jaap.
By doing Chandra Mantra Jaap and Yagna by Pujasanskaram Priest for Lord Chandra reduces the ill-impacts of Moon and would be blessed with mental health and peace of mind.
Puja Sanskaram’s Priests will perform Chandra Mantra Jaap and Yagna at select Holi Temples on your behalf. The Jaap and Yagna is performed with all associated rituals & prayers to seek the Divine Blessings for you & your family.